Training the Trainers

How to prepare and present Cytoscape workshops


Training the Trainers

Welcome to a training program for Cytoscape workshop presenters. If you are interested in finding and preparing materials for Cytoscape training events, you have come to the right place!

There are 6 modules to the program that you can complete at your own pace. We suggest one week per module so you can take your time and not feel rushed. Let us know if you have an questions or suggestions.

Week 1 - Navigating Materials Week 2 - Setting Up Tools Week 3 - Example Workshop Week 4 - Designing a Module Week 5 - Completing a Module Week 6 - Packaging a Workshop

Setting Up Tools

Let's make sure we have everything installed and up-to-date. Some of these tools might be pre-release versions, so that you are prepared for what will be coming. Install and test the following...

Setting Up Tools


Launch Cytoscape and RStudio and then confirm the following:

When you think you're ready, complete this week's quiz.
When you think you're ready, complete this week's quiz.

Designing a Module

Setup your own fork of the cytoscape-tutorials material and make it publishable via GitHub Pages (so we can review your code!).

  • Fork the Cytoscape Tutorials repo.
  • Publish your fork via GitHub Pages. GitHub settings should show a green checkmark message, if not switch the Source branch to master and then back to gh-pages.
  • Follow the link to view your GitHub Pages.

Designing a Module

Explore the structure of the repo:

  • Open presentations/template.html and review the code, in particular how modules are pulled in.
  • Navigate to one of the module templates. Each module contains both index.html and module.html. The latter contains the code representing slides and content, the former is simply a wrapper to view the module on its own.
  • Review any module.html to learn how slides are created.

Designing a Module

Create an outline of a new module:

  • Review existing modules under presentations/modules
  • Review documentation for how to create a new module.
  • Create a new module in your fork, consisting of just a single slide with a bullet list outline.
When you think you're ready, complete this week's quiz.

Completing a Module

This week, you will complete the module you designed in week 4. Starting with your bullet list outline:

  • Create slides representing the items in your outline
  • Include at least 3 of these 5 content types:
    • Image (<img>)
    • Ribbons (<ribbon>)
    • CyBrowser button (class=“cybrowser”)
    • Two-column layout (class=“column”)
    • Animated slide content (class=“fragment”)

Completing a Module

Resources to help you get started are available here:

When you think you're ready, complete this week's quiz.

Packaging a Module

This week, you will package the module you completed in week 5, making it ready for presentation and sharing.

  • Copy and rename the template.html in the presentations dir
  • Add a title slide; add an introduction slide (introducing you)
  • Now insert your module. hint: just a single line of code
  • Then add a final slide with a thank you or however you like to end presentations

Packaging a Module

Now you can use and share the url pointing to your presentation html (not the module). Think of this as a specific instance of you module, with contextual slides for a particular workshop.

You now have all the tools to build multi-module presentations, reuse modules by others, and share presentations by simple urls.

If you are attending an in-person Train-the-Trainers workshop, please be prepared to present your demo presentation. Otherwise, feel free to send them us for feedback.

Thank you!